Social Media Icons

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finally, a solution for all that Yammering

Like many people out there, the number of social networks that I participate in can be a full time job in-and-of itself.  Thankfully, tools such as If This Then That can help improve the more menial side of posting multiple times, but it's not a perfect solution for broad social network management.

I'm talking specifically, about Yammer.  My own employer Hitachi Consulting uses Yammer, as do a few of my clients, as well as the community of a post-graduate course I took through The Leaders Network.  Unfortunately, Yammer doesn't currently support logging in to multiple networks within the same browser session so I either have to open them all in different browsers or constantly log in and log out.  

Thankfully, Hootsuite offers a solution for running multiple Yammer networks within their web app.  It's fully functional including "liking" and responding to posts in addition to the ability to post directly to individual groups.

The steps for setting this up are outlined below:

  1. Log into Hootsuite
  2. Select "install apps" (picture at left)
  3. Browse the apps and install Yammer
  4. A new tab should be created called "Yammer"
  5. Open a new browser window and sign in to your Yammer Network #1 

  6. Go back to Yammer and select the "sign in with Yammer" button on the Hootsuite social stream (picture at left)
  7. A new browser window should open asking you to authorize the Hootsuite app
  8. After your stream has been imported, return to the browser window that you opened Yammer in and sign out
  9. Sign in again to Yammer with Network #2

  10. Return to Hootsuite. In the top left corner you should see a grey button to "add stream". Click it
  11. Select the yellow button that says "Apps" and select the green "+" (picture at left)
  12. Repeat the steps above starting at step 6

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